
Want to cover yourself in stickers like a Harajuku girl? You can.

MyZoku Explained

Zokus are customisable on MyZoku (, which changes their look and their associated metadata. There are three main things you should be aware of, The Shop: Outson, your Wallet Inventory and your Zokus' Inventories. But before we get into that, here is a quick video that summarises the customisation experience.

The Shop: Outson

Each Zoku is granted access to its own distinct Outson Shop, which refreshes its stock every 24 hours at midnight CET. This dynamic system ensures a fresh and exciting array of items to discover daily, and means holding a large amount of Zokus grants more chances to see different items each day.

The majority of items have limited availability to ensure exclusivity. Similarly, to maintain fairness, many items have purchase caps on them, meaning they can only be bought a certain number of times per wallet.

All items in the shop are purchased using Goens. Further details on acquiring and using Goens are covered in the Goens section of this guide.

Items available in Outson include:

  • Hand-held: These are items that your Zoku can hold, ranging from gadgets to weapons and whimsical objects.

  • Clothing: This category includes all the garments and accessories your Zoku wears. From sleek armor to stylish streetwear.

  • Stickers and Bandages: Decorative and customization elements on your Zoku's face.

  • Jewelry: Jewelry worn by your Zoku, typically on their ears or nose.

  • Flying Items: These are the objects that hover or fly around your Zoku, including companions.

A Zoku's daily shop

Wallet Inventory

Purchases in the shop are kept in your wallet inventory, until they are 'applied' to a Zoku. You can view all the gear that can be applied to the currently-select Zoku, which is held in the wallet inventory by clicking on the 'Inventory' tab.

A wallet's inventory

Here, only items that a Zoku can equip are shown, meaning items with gender/clan restrictions may be hidden. However, if you want to see all the items you currently have in your wallet, click the 'Inventory' button on the top right of the screen.

A wallet's entire inventory

Non-gear items, such as Home Items and Consumables, can be found in the 'Zoku Goods' tab. To learn more about these specific items and their functions, be sure to visit the Zoku Goods section of this guide, where they are explained in greater detail.

The Zoku Goods section of a wallet's inventory

Equipped: Zoku Inventory

The 'Equipped' section of your Zoku interface is essentially a showcase of all the items you have on bound to a Zoku. Let's delve deeper into what it means to equip an item and the specifics of this feature.


  • An item 'equipped' to a Zoku is stored in the Zoku's inventory, meaning that it is attached to the Zoku NFT, unless it is detached. These items contribute to the Zoku's inventory score.

  • An item 'applied' to a Zoku means that is is visible on the Zoku and contributes to its Custom Rank. Any onchain items must be burned before they can be applied.

Visibility of Equipped Items:

  • Once an item is equipped, it moves from the 'Inventory' tab to the 'Equipped' tab.

  • Consequently, it will no longer be visible in your inventory.

Unequipping Items:

  • If you decide to remove an item from your Zoku, you need to 'Detach' it.

  • This function is restricted to a specific timeframe: it's available only once a week, every Friday, for a 24-hour period.

  • The cost of detaching an item is as follows:

    • Common: 500 goens

    • Rare: 1500 goens

    • Epic: 3000 goens

    • Legendary: 5000 goens

Some key points about this section:

  • Each Zoku initially receives 5 free customizations, meaning you can equip items without paying fees. After these 5 customizations, you'll need to pay 500 $goens.

  • Each Zoku indeed has its own personal 'inventory,' labeled as 'Equipped'.

A Zoku's equipped section

Transferring Gear Offchain:

  1. Access your inventory by selecting it from the top right of the screen.

  2. Hover over the gear you intend to transfer. It must not be equipped by a Zoku, so should be unequipped first.

  3. Click on the 'Transfer' option.

  4. Enter the wallet address of the receiver.

  5. Please note that offchain transfers are irreversible, so check the receiving address before sending.

  6. Finally, press the 'Transfer' button to initiate the transfer.

Last updated