What the $#*% is a Zoku?!

Good question...

Zokus are the main characters from Tōdai City, where fashion, anime, and gaming vibes blend into one epic tale. If you're new to this, let us break it down for you:

Putting the Chain in ChainZoku

Zokus by ChainZoku is an interactive NFT collection, based on the Ethereum Blockchain, initially launched in May 2023. There is a total supply of 3800 Zokus and you can see them on Opensea here: https://opensea.io/collection/zokusbychainzoku

What do Zokus do?

Your Zoku is more than just a pretty face; it earns 'goens' passively, currently at a rate of 100 goens/day. You can rack up goens in other fun ways, you can trade them, and you can spend them on customising your Zokus. Check out the Economy section of this guide for more details.

They look good too!

Zokus are customisable on MyZoku (https://myzoku.chainzoku.io/), which changes their look and their associated metadata. To see the process please check out the Customisation section of this guide.

MyZoku is where you customize through weekly drops and upgrades, and go on quests with your clanmates. Follow the story through epic manga releases, available here (https://chainzoku.io/jumps/) - each manga impacts the Zokus in different ways.

A zukki of Zokus!

Last updated