Welcome to Tōdai City

The city where s$#* happens

The year was 2030, when the ground took everything...

in a cataclysm that wiped out the majority of the population. The remaining survivors split off into two clans and toiled to rebuild, no-one knows quite how long for, eventually transforming the ashes of their former home into the fractured Tōdai City.

Two Halves of One City

As time passed, humans were gradually replaced by Zokus. BosoZokus were developed as products of scientific experimentation, while the OniZokus were birthed by ancient shamanic rituals in the mountains. These differences are represented in their respective halves of Todai.

The BosoZokus live in the densely-populated east of Tōdai. Linked together by "The Network", they share a hive mind, and inhabit skyscrapers stretching above the clouds and blasting neon lights.

The west of the the city, where the OniZokus, live is vastly different. Highly influenced by traditional Japanese architecture, this side is reminiscent of the ancient city of Kyoto, featuring wooden houses and buildings, their very existence stands testament the knowledge passed down from generation to generation.

Named with the Best of Intentions

The city was christened Tōdai, meaning "lighthouse" in Japanese, with the best of intentions. The namers believed Tōdai would be a symbol of hope, a light shining through the darkness, a place that's very existance proved that differences could be overcome by perseverance and teamwork. They meant well.

But they should have known better... Many scars of the past remain, whether that be the gaping chasm that divides the centre of the city, or the palpable tension still present between the two clans, despite them being "at peace".

In name only, is Tōdai City united.

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