
Intelligence is to be shared

The BosoZoku clan’s forefathers are a group of scientists who survived 2030. As it turns out, before the event that destroyed the whole city, they had been working on an avant-garde, transhumanist technology: chips, allowing to connect AI and the human brain, enabling people to enter "The Network”. They created the next step in shared intelligence between humans since the inception of the internet.

After 2030, they decided to finish their work and start their mission to implant their chip in all humans, thus making them as strong and intelligent as ever. They believe that technology should be pushed further, knowledge shared between everybody, as the only way to allow their race to survive without destroying their environment.

The Bosos invented their signature style of lightening bat. It looks like a cricket bat, aside from the being in the shape of a lightening bolt. This is an exclusive item to their clan.

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